My review
rating: 3 of 5 stars
All it took was one fickle woman to ruin the lives of most of the members of two clans in the Highlands of Scotland. Clansmen from both families are still paying the price to this day (seven years later) and Maggie ingen Blar is sick of buring her family over this stupid feud. Using her brains she rallies the women of both clans to hide in the kirk (church) on her family's land and in the castle of the MacDonald's land. Suffering from loneliness, bad hygenie, and horrendous cooking, the men of the clans realize that Maggie is a pain in the butt and her influence has to be removed from their women's presence.
Their best idea? Send in Braden MacAllister, playboy extradinaire.
Problem? Maggie has been in love with Braden since she was a child of ten. How is she going to end the feud, save the laird AND her heart in one fell swoop?
Deep and emotionally, I enjoyed Kenyon/MacGregor's tone and the speed at which the plot moved. As always Kenyon/MacGregor probes the emotions behind the characters and doesn't leave you with a flat 2D picture of anyone. We can see their souls through her words.
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